Prepare a water bath canner and canning jars (pints or quarts).
Peel and core pears, and slice or leave as pear halves. Put the pear pieces into water with a bit of lemon juice to prevent browning.
Prepare canning liquid of your choice (water, apple juice, pear juice, white grape juice or sugar syrup). Bring the pear pieces to a boil in the canning liquid and cook for 5 minutes.
Hot pack the pear pieces into canning jars leaving 1 inch headspace, and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice to pints (or 2 tbsp for quart jars).
Pour boiling canning liquid over the top of the pears, this time leaving only 1/2 inch headspace.
De-bubble jars, adjust headspace, wipe rims, apply 2 part canning lids and process in a water bath canner. (20 minutes for pints, and 25 minutes for quarts).
A canner load of 7 quarts requires 17 to 19 pounds of asian pears, while a canner load of 9 pints requires 11 to 13 pounds of fruit.I prefer to can Asian pears in extra light syrup, and I make a syrup with 10 1/2 cups of water to 1 1/4 cups sugar for a canner load of 7 quarts.