Simmer the cornelian cherries in water for 30-40 minutes. Keep the pot covered to prevent it from running dry, and keep adding water as necessary to keep the fruit covered.
Once the fruits are soft, pour them through a fine mesh strainer (for jam) or a jelly bag for jelly. If making jam, us a wooden spoon to mash the cherries in the strainer so that the pulp goes through but the seeds remain.
Put the juice and pulp (for jam) or just the juice (for jelly) back into the pan.
Add sugar, lemon juice and spices (if using). Simmer until the mixture begins to gel. Test the mixture on a plate you've placed in the freezer. Once it's reached a good consistency, pour the hot jam into prepared canning jars.
Store the cornelian cherry jam in the refrigerator or process in a water bath canner. Process half-pint jars for 10 minute in a water bath canner, with 1/4 inch of headspace.