Freeze drying peppers is an easy way to preserve them on your pantry shelf.
Prep Time30 minutesmins
Cook Time20 hourshrs
Additional Time30 minutesmins
Total Time21 hourshrs
Author: Ashley Adamant
Fresh or Frozen Peppers
Start by pre-chilling the freeze dryer for 30 minutes.
Next, slice peppers into your desired shapes and sizes. You can cut peppers into rings, chop them into sections or dice them. (Smaller peppers can also be dried whole, but this will take longer.)
(Optional) Line trays with silicone liners or parchment paper to prevent sticking.
Spread your peppers on the freeze-drying trays. If chucks are large, arrange them in a single layer. If peppers are diced, try to keep the layer an even thickness and be sure to keep food below the edges of the tray.
When the freeze dryer has pre-chilled, place the trays inside and close the door. Press “continue.”
The freeze dryer will now run for a full cycle (usually 20 to 24 hours, but this can vary based on pepper size, moisture content and whether food is room temp or pre-frozen).
Once the cycle is complete, test the peppers to ensure they are totally dry. They should be crispy and light. If they are not fully dry, extend the drying time by a few hours.
When dry, remove peppers from the freeze dryer and set the freeze dryer to defrost.
Pack the peppers away for storage promptly. Mason jars may be used for short-term storage. For long-term storage, seal peppers in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers.
To rehydrate freeze-dried peppers, place the desired amount in a bowl and cover with water. Wait 20 to 30 minutes, then drain off the excess liquid. Once rehydrated, peppers must be refrigerated to prevent spoiling.
Pre-freezing peppers can shorten the freeze-drying time. To pre-freeze peppers, wash and cut as desired, then freeze directly on trays or in freezer bags the day before planning to run your freeze dryer. Room temperature peppers will also freeze-dry perfectly fine, they will just take a bit longer!