Freeze-dried mangoes are a sweet and tangy treat, and they're easy to make at home with a home freeze dryer.
Prep Time30 minutesmins
Cook Time1 dayd11 hourshrs
Additional Time30 minutesmins
Total Time1 dayd12 hourshrs
Author: Ashley Adamant
MangoesFresh or Frozen
Begin by pre-chilling your freeze dryer for 30 minutes.
Wash, dry and process mangoes next. You will want to remove the peel and slice the flesh from the pit. Mangoes can be cut into whatever form you like: wedges, chunks or diced.
Line drying trays with parchment paper or silicone liners (these will help with sticking and cleanup). Arrange the fruit on top in a single layer.
When the freeze dryer is pre-chilled, slide the trays into your freeze dryer and close the door. Press “continue.” The freeze dryer should now run for a full cycle. This will take at least 24 hours to complete, usually taking closer to 30 to 34 hours. Time can vary based on moisture content, how heavily trays are packed and piece size.
When the freeze-drying cycle is complete, test a few pieces to ensure they are entirely dry throughout. If any moisture is present, you will need to extend the drying time for a few more hours.
Once completely dry remove the trays and set the freeze dryer to defrost.
Pack away freeze-dried food right away so it does not reabsorb moisture from the air. For short-term storage of 1 to 2 years, mangoes may be placed in mason jars with tight-fitting lids. For longer storage, mylar bags and oxygen absorbers will be needed.
To rehydrate mango, cover the fruit with water and let the fruit reconstitute for 20 to 30 minutes. Drain off the excess liquid and use as fresh. Refrigerate any leftover portion.
Pre-Freezing: You can shorten the overall freeze-drying time by pre-freezing fruit. This can be done the day before you plan to run your freeze dryer. Peeled and cut mangoes can be frozen directly on freeze-drying trays or in shallow baking pans. Refrigeration: Once rehydrated, mango will require refrigeration. Be sure to refrigerate any unused potions that have been reconstituted.