Dehydrating is one of the easiest ways to preserve mushrooms, whether cultivated or wild species.
Author: Ashley Adamant
Prepare the mushrooms as you would for cooking. Clean them to remove any dirt, and slice them thin to help with dehydration.
Arrange mushrooms on trays in a dehydrator (or in the oven).
Dehydrate at 125 F (52 C) for 4 to 8 hours, until mushrooms are fully dry and brittle.
If dehydrating mushrooms in the oven, set the oven as low as it'll go. That's usually around 170 F. Dehydrate until fully dry (usually around 1 to 3 hours).
Be sure to start with the best quality possible. The quality (and flavor) of the finished dehydrated mushrooms depends on the quality of the fresh mushrooms.If dehydrating wild mushrooms, be 100% certain of your identification. Dehydrating will not make toxic mushrooms safe to eat, so be sure you're working with edible mushroom species.