How to Make a Herbal Tincture (with or Without Alcohol)
Ashley Adamant
Making a tincture with or without the use of alcohol couldn't be easier. Use this template whenever you're making homemade tinctures from fresh or dried plant material.
Sticker label and marker (to label the finished tincture)
Fresh or dried plant materialprepared as directed below
Vodka or other high-proof alcoholor vegetable glycerin if making an alcohol-free tincture
Fill a clean, empty mason jar with fresh or dried plant material using the measurements provided below as a guide.
Cover the plant material with alcohol, making sure the contents of the jar are completely covered. If you're preparing a glycerite tincture, cover the plant material completely with a preparation of 3 parts glycerin to 1 part distilled water.
Screw the lid on tightly and shake the contents of the jar. Place in a cool, dry location away from light, allowing the extraction to occur over the next 6 to 8 weeks.
Give alcohol-based tinctures a shake every few days; glycerite tinctures should be agitated every day. If solvent levels appear low at any point, add more to cover the plant material.
Once the tincture is ready to be decanted, line a funnel with cheesecloth and place the tip of the funnel into the neck of a dark amber glass bottle. Pour the solvent and the plant material into the funnel, pressing to make sure all of the liquid is extracted.
Label the tincture with its contents, date of production, and suggested usages. Store in a cool, dry area away from light.
Made with fresh leaves and flowers: finely chop or grind clean plant material, fill jar 2/3 to 3/4 of the way with chopped leaves and flowers.Made with dried leaves and flowers: fill jar 1/2 to 2/3 of the way full with dried leaves and flowers. Made with fresh bark, berries, and/or roots: finely chop or grind the plant material. Fill jar 1/3 to 1/2 full with chopped bark, berries, and roots. Made with dried bark, berries, and/or roots: make sure the plant material is finely cut before adding it to the jar, filling it 1/3 to 1/2 of the way full.