Adhesive label or masking tape (for labelling tincture)
Fresh or dried plant materialroughly chopped
Pure vegetable glycerin
Fill a clean mason jar 3/4 full of fresh plant material or 1/2 full of dried plant material.
For dried plant material: cover with vegetable glycerin and water in a 3:1 ratio (or 75% glycerine and 25% water). For fresh plant material: cover with 100% vegetable glycerin.
Apply lid and gently shake the contents of the jar.
Let the jar sit in a cool, dry place away from light for 4 to 6 weeks. Shake every day or two, replenishing the jar with glycerin if any plant matter becomes exposed.
When the glycerite is ready to be decanted, pour it through a cheesecloth-lined fine mesh sieve into a bowl or large measuring cup. Pour the strained glycerite into amber glass bottles with a dropper using a funnel.
Label the glycerite with its contents and the date it was made. Store in a cool, dry place away from light for up to 2 years.