Masking tape or adhesive sticker and marker (for labeling)
Fresh St. Johns Wort Flowering Tops
Vodkaor other palatable, neutral alcohol that is 80 proof/40 percent
Add the fresh flowering tops of st. johns wort herb to a mason jar.
Fill the jar up with alcohol and seal with the lid. Give the jar a gentle shake.
Store the developing tincture in a cool, dark place; shake the jar every couple of days (or every day, if you can remember).
Let the tincture develop for 6 to 8 weeks.
Decant the finished st. john's wort extract by lining the funnel with cheesecloth and straining the liquid into the small tincture bottles.
Label the tincture bottle with its contents, the date, and suggested dosages. Store in a cool, dark place.
Be aware that St. Johns Wort extract is only appropriate for mild depression, but even still, you should consult your doctor before trying this or any new remedy (herbal or otherwise). This particular remedy can have unintended consequences with other health conditions (like bipolar) and it has a long list of negative drug interactions.