Pressure canning carrots is an easy way to preserve carrots for long term storage, and in the process, you're also preparing them for quick weeknight meals.
Prepare the carrots by peeling and chopping. Peeling is optional but highly recommended because it dramatically improves the quality of home-canned carrots. The size of the sliced/diced carrots is flexible, so choose a size that will work in future meals for your family.
Prepare a pressure canner by warming 2-3 inches of water in the bottom of the canner, with the bottom trivet in place.
Bring a pot of water to boil on the stove next to the canner.
For Hot Pack, blanch the carrots in the boiling water for 5 minutes before packing them hot into canning jars (1-inch headspace). For raw pack, just pack the carrots into the jars without blanching, still with a 1in headspace. Be sure the pressure canner is warm, but below a simmer if using a raw pack to avoid thermal shock. For hot pack, use a simmering to fully boiling canner.
Regardless of the packing method, pour boiling water over the top of the carrots in the jars, maintaining 1-inch headspace. Add salt if using, at a suggested rate of 1 tsp per quart (or 1/2 tsp per pint).
Seal the jars with 2 part canning lids and load them into the pressure canner.
Place the lid on the canner, bring the canner to a full boil and allow steam to vent for 10 minutes before adding the canning weight and allowing the canner to come up to pressure.
Process the jars for 25 minutes (pints) or 30 minutes (quarts). Use 10 pounds of pressure below 1000 feet, but adjust for altitude at higher elevations. (See table within the article for higher elevation canning pressures.)
After processing is complete, allow the canner to cool to room temperature before opening and unloading the jars.
Check seals, and store any unsealed jars in the refrigerator for immediate consumption.
Properly processed, sealed jars should maintain quality in the pantry for 12-18 months.
As always, be sure to follow the manufacturers instructions for operating your particular pressure canner. Instructions vary slightly between models, and when in doubt, follow the recommendations from the manufacturer.
Carrots per Canner Batch The number of fresh carrots needed for a canner batch varies slightly based on the size of the carrots, how much you trim off the ends, and how small you chop (or don't chop) them before loading them into the jars.As a general guideline, it takes 16 to 18 pounds of carrots for a canner batch of 7 quarts, or 10-12 pounds for a canner batch of 9 pints. My 30 quart All American Canner can accommodate 14 quarts and that's my usual batch size. A batch that size requires 30-35 pounds of carrots roughly.