Chickens with feathered feet are rather rare in the poultry world, but they add beauty to any chicken coop, and they’re a fun addition to your flock.

Chickens with Feathered Feet. Left to right, from top left: Brahma, Marans, Barbu d’Uccle, Booted Bantam, Cochin, Bantam Cochin, Bantam Brahma, Faverolles, and Silkie.
If I asked you to picture a chicken, you’re likely to think of your typical fowl with a perfectly fluffy body and clean legs. Most birds don’t have feathering on their legs, but there are a select few that like to make a statement with their glamorous feathered feet. There’s nothing more fashionable than a chicken. Some sport hats, like Polish chickens, others have trim beards, like Ameraucanas, and some like to show off their ever-so-stylish boots.
The trait of feathered feet is called ptilopody and is quite rare among chicken breeds. Only a dozen or so, out of the several hundred breeds can have it. Feathered feet are a result of the combination of genes that affect feather and scale growth. The same genes that are responsible for wing development, including feather growth, are activated for the feet. Fun fact, this trait is also what might have contributed to feathering in dinosaurs!
There are a few reasons why chickens have feathered feet. The biggest reason is that people appreciate the aesthetic appeal, as chickens with feathered feet have a very distinct appearance. Feathers on feet may also help keep the bird’s legs warm in the winter, although there are some risks of soggy feathers causing frostbite.
If you’re planning to own a chicken with feathered legs, keep in mind that this unique trait gives them some special needs. You should make sure that your flock has a dry place to take shelter, as wet leg feathers are a recipe for frostbite. They’re also likely to develop leg mites, but you can avoid this by regularly checking their legs for parasites.
There are a total of eleven recognized breeds that have feathered feet. Those are Marans, Pekin, Croad Langshan, Booted Bantam, Belgian d’Uccle, Brahma, Cochin, Faverolles, Silkie, Sultan, and Malaysian Serama. Let’s dive in feet-first to look at what makes these feathered friends so great!

Frizzle Bantam Cochin (Pekin)
Standard Chickens with Feathered Feet
These standard-sized chickens were bred for beautifully feathered feet:
- Brahma
- Cochin
- Faverolle
- Silkie
- Sultan
- Marans
- Croad Langshan
Bantam Chickens with Feathered Feet
These pint-sized cuties have extra fluffy feet in a small package:
- Pekin (Bantam Cochin)
- Belgian d’Uccle
- Booted Bantam
- Bantam Brahma
- Bantam Silkie
- Serama
I’ll take you through each of these breeds, one by one!
Standard Chickens with Feathered Feet
Full-size chickens bred for consistent foot feathering.
Beautiful Brahmas are one of the most eye-catching chickens out there, especially because of their size. As one of the largest breeds of chicken, Brahmas offer plenty of feathers from head to toe. Their feathered feet are soft to the touch, and the fact that their legs are covered in feathers make them look even larger.
Due to their size and feathering, Brahmas are tolerant of the cold, as long as their feet aren’t soaked. They’re not very happy in the heat, though, as their large bodies and feathers trap a lot of heat. Brahmas are gentle giants by definition, and they’re really relaxing to be around. They’re confident and calm.
- Breed Name: Brahma
- Breed type: Asiatic, dual-purpose (meat and eggs)
- Temperament: Laid-back, docile, confident
- Size: Roosters 10 lbs; Hens 8 lbs.
- Eggs Per Year: 150-200
- Egg Size: Medium
- Egg Color: Brown
- Feather Type: Asiatic, feather-legged
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Cold hardy
- Lifespan: 5-8 years
- Time To Maturity: 6-7 months for laying, can be used at 8-10 weeks for meat

Brahma Hen and Rooster
Another massive Asiatic breed, the Cochin is an agreeable chicken with a happy disposition. The legs of a Cochin are covered in feathers, making them look even larger. They stand tall, but they aren’t aggressive. Instead, they’re very polite.
A Cochin is highly affectionate and makes a great companion bird.
- Breed Name: Cochin
- Breed Type: Exhibition, meat, and eggs
- Temperament: Cuddly, loving, affectionate
- Size: Rooster 11 lbs, hen 8.5 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 150-180
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Brown
- Feather Type: Asiatic, feather-legged
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Cold-hardy
- Lifespan: 8-10 years
- Time To Maturity: 8 months (eggs), 4-16 months (meat)
A Faverolles might be the fluffiest chicken you’ll ever meet. These round, soft puffballs are covered in downy feathers. When you look at one, you might not be sure of where its body starts and ends, because of all of the feathers on its feet.
Faverolles are big birds that have a ton of personality–they love attention, and they’re curious about everything.
- Breed Name: Faverolles (fav-roll)
- Breed Type: Ornamental, eggs, meat
- Temperament: Active, friendly, docile
- Size: Roosters 8 lbs, hens 6.5 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 180-240
- Egg Size: Medium
- Egg Color: Cream, white
- Feather Type: Continental, muffs, feather-legged
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Heat-tolerant and cold-hardy
- Lifespan: 5-7 years
- Time To Maturity: 19 weeks

Salmon Faverolle Chicken
One of the most iconic feather-legged breeds is the Silkie. We can’t get enough of its fluffy, downy feathers, which are a result of a lack of certain types of barbs that are common to hard-feathered poultry. Luckily, we get a ton of fluff as the Silkie is covered from head to toe.
Also unique to the Silkie are its black skin, walnut-shaped comb, and five-toed feet. This exotic-looking breed is basically a lap dog, following you around for attention and affection.
- Breed Name: Silkie
- Breed Type: Asiatic, ornamental, exhibition
- Temperament: Cuddly, loving, affectionate
- Size: Large rooster 4 lbs, large hen 3 lbs; bantam rooster 1.5 lbs, bantam hen 1 lb
- Eggs Per Year: 100
- Egg Size: Small to medium
- Egg Color: Cream or white
- Feather Type: Silkie down, feather-legged
- Comb Type: Walnut
- Hardiness: Not hardy
- Lifespan: 7-9 years
- Time To Maturity: 8-12 months
If you fancy yourself a chicken with class, grace, and style, choose a Sultan! Originating in Turkey, this breed’s name translates roughly to “chicken of the palace”. It used to roam the gardens as an ornamental bird for the Ottoman sultans. A Sultan is a sight to behold, with its elegant white feathers, puffy head, long tail, and feathery feet.
These chickens are popular as exhibition birds, but they make great companions, too. They’re confident, loving, and gentle. Sultans are heat tolerant, and they don’t do well in the cold–their foot feathers make it difficult to deal with wet conditions, so make sure your Sultan has a proper palace to rest.
- Breed Name: Sultan
- Breed Type: Ornamental, exhibition
- Temperament: Gentle, docile, affectionate
- Size: Rooster 6 lbs, hen 4 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 50
- Egg Size: Medium to large
- Egg Color: Light brown
- Feather Type: All other breed standard, muffs, feather-legged
- Comb Type: V-comb
- Hardiness: Heat-tolerant
- Lifespan: Five to eight years
- Time To Maturity: 20-22 weeks

Sultan Chicken
Though not always feather-footed, these extra fluffy marans are irresistibly charming chickens. Marans originated in the French village of Marans, where they were developed to lay dark copper eggs. In France and the US, feather-legged Marans are the most popular varieties, although clean-legged Marans are also available (and more common).
Marans are beautiful chickens, with dense plumage that comes in a variety of colors; the best-known are black copper and cuckoo. Black copper marans feathers are iridescent, and in the sunshine, you’ll marvel over their blue-green sheen. Marans are an all-around great breed to have–they lay plenty of eggs and produce a good amount of meat, not to mention they’re very friendly.
If you’re looking for a classy heritage breed that is covered from head to toe with beautiful feathers and is as easy to get along with as it is to look at, go for a Marans. If you’d like more information on whether a Marans is the right breed for your flock, check out this article.
- Breed Name: Marans (muh-ran)
- Breed Type: Continental, dual-purpose (meat and eggs)
- Temperament:
- Size: hens 6 lbs, roosters 8 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 150-200
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Dark Brown
- Feather Type: Standard, with trim muffs and usually clean legs, but sometimes feathered, especially in the French Line
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Cold hardy, and heat tolerant
- Lifespan: 7-8 years
- Time To Maturity: 20 to 24 Weeks

Blue Copper Marans Hen in Snow
Langshans are one of the oldest breeds, an Asiatic chicken that was discovered in China and brought to the US in 1872. A Langshan is an elegant bird, standing tall with iridescent blue-black feathers and white skin. Langshans, like many other Asiatic breeds, often has feathers on their feet.
Unlike their cousins, though, they have much less feathering, which is great if you live in an area that gets more precipitation. Feather-legged chickens need a bit of extra care in wet environments so they don’t get frostbite. Langshans are heat tolerant. This breed is known for laying a good number of eggs, some of which are dark brown, and their size makes them good meat birds, as well.
- Breed Name: Langshan
- Breed Type: Asiatic, dual-purpose (meat and eggs)
- Temperament: Docile, calm, easygoing
- Size: Roosters 9.5 lbs, hens 7.5 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 150-200
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Dark Brown
- Feather Type: Standard and often with feathered legs
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Hardy, especially in heat
- Lifespan: 8+ years
- Time To Maturity: 5-7 months

Black Croad Langshan Chicken
Bantam Chickens with Feathered Feet
Small, bantam chicken breeds, bred for consistent foot feathering.
Fluffy, puffy, and pint-sized, the Pekin is a delightful little chicken that has feathers on its feet. Like the Cochin (which is actually not the large form of this breed, although Pekins are also known as Bantam Cochins), Pekins are feathered from head to toe.
They stand low to the ground, and their legs often get eaten up by the rest of their fluff. Pekins are cuddly, friendly, and easygoing, easily handled by adults and children alike.
- Breed Name: Pekin, Sometimes Called Bantam Cochin
- Breed Type: Ornamental, brooder
- Temperament: Sweet, friendly, affectionate
- Size: Hens 1.6 lbs, roosters 1.9 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 100-150
- Egg Size: Small
- Egg Color: Cream or light brown
- Feather Type: Feathered legs
- Comb Type: Single comb
- Hardiness: Decently hardy
- Lifespan: 7-10 years
- Time To Maturity: 5-6 months

Pekin Chickens (Also sometimes called Bantam Cochin)
Barbu d’Uccle
The Barbu d’Uccle is a sprightly little bird. A true bantam that hails from the Netherlands, the Barbu d’Uccle is also known as the Booted Bantam on account of its feathered legs (though there is another bantam breed that also has that name). They really do look like they’re wearing boots. Barbu d’Uccle also have beards to match their feathered feet.
These fashionistas come in a wide variety of colors, like mesmerizing mille-fleur, flashy mottled, and elegant porcelain. Not only are they pretty little birds, Barbu d’Uccle are very friendly. They’re happy to be lap-chickens and will eagerly fly onto your shoulder. If you want a gorgeous, tiny chicken that’s feathered from head to toe, choose the Barbu d’Uccle!
- Breed Name: Booted Bantam, Barbu d’Uccle, Belgian d’Uccle (Pronounced: bar-BOO doo-CLAY)
- Breed Type: All other standard breeds, ornamental
- Temperament: Friendly, intelligent, gentle
- Size: Hens 1.3 lbs, Roosters 1.6 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 100-150
- Egg Size: Small
- Egg Color: Cream
- Feather Type: Bantam feathered legs,
- Comb Type: Single Comb
- Hardiness: Cold Hardy, and Heat Tolerant
- Lifespan: 7-8 years
- Time To Maturity: 20 to 24 Weeks

Barbu d’Uccle Chicken
Booted Bantam
Like most Bantam breeds, Booted bantams originated in Belgium. Their name actually comes from their excessively feathered feet and legs, which make it look almost like they’re wearing feathered boots.
This relatively rare heritage breed is making a comeback, and their easygoing personality makes them a favorite in the coop. They come in more than 20 colors, too!
- Breed Name: Booted Bantam, Dutch Sabelpoot
- Breed Type: Ornamental
- Temperament: Friendly, active, sweet
- Size: Hens 1.7 oz, roosters 1.9 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 120
- Egg Size: Small
- Egg Color: White
- Feather Type: Standard with muffs and feathered legs
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Cold hardy, and heat tolerant
- Lifespan: Up to 10 years
- Time To Maturity: 20 to 24 Weeks

Booted Bantam
Brahma Bantam
Brahmas are actually one of the biggest chicken breeds, so it’s ironic that breeders went out of their way to create a pint-sized Brahma Bantam. These are gentle, beginner-friendly chickens with an easygoing personality.
All Brahmas have feathered feet, and they’re also great layers too!
- Breed Name: Bantam Brahma
- Breed Type: Ornamental, layer, brooder
- Temperament: Gentle, easygoing, affectionate
- Size: Hens 2 lbs, roosters 3 lbs.
- Eggs Per Year: 100-150
- Egg Size: Small
- Egg Color: Light brown
- Feather Type: Feathered legs
- Comb Type: Pea Comb
- Hardiness: Cold hardy, and heat tolerant
- Lifespan: 7-10 years
- Time To Maturity: 19 Weeks

Brahma Bantam
Silkie Bantam
All the fluff of a silkie, but packaged in a tiny, adorable bantam version. These are incredibly affectionate chickens, and they’re often kept as pets. (Sometimes even house pets!)
This particular breed of chicken is one of the fluffiest, and has stunning feathered feet.
- Breed Name: Silkie
- Breed Type: Ornamental
- Temperament: Cuddly, affectionate, friendly
- Size: Hens 2 lbs and Roosters 2.2 lbs
- Eggs Per Year: 80-120
- Egg Size: Small
- Egg Color: White or cream
- Feather Type: Fluff, no hard feathers, feathered legs. Come in bearded and non-bearded varieties.
- Comb Type: Walnut
- Hardiness: Fairly cold-hardy
- Lifespan: 7-9 years
- Time To Maturity: 24-30 Weeks

Frizzle Silkie
Seramas are very interesting-looking chickens. Stately or powerful might be a good way to describe them, although they are the smallest of chicken breeds! The Serama was bred to look like a toy soldier, and with its upright silhouette, long wings, and muscular body, you’d better believe it!
They sport army boots as well, with feathers on their legs, making them look even taller. Despite their no-nonsense appearance, Seramas are very sweet little birds. Their confidence is infectious! Because they originated in Malaysia, Seramas are heat tolerant, but bear in mind that they aren’t the best in the cold.
- Breed Name: Malaysian Serama
- Breed Type: Exhibition
- Temperament: Confident, affectionate, friendly
- Size: Micro roosters are up to 13 oz; micro hens up to 8 oz; Class A roosters are under 13 oz; Class A hens under 12 oz; Class B roosters under 16 oz; Class B hens under 15 oz; Class C roosters under 19 oz and hens under 19 oz.
- Eggs Per Year: 180-200
- Egg Size: Tiny
- Egg Color: White
- Feather Type: All other standard, feather-legged
- Comb Type: Single
- Hardiness: Heat-tolerant
- Lifespan: 7-10 years
- Time To Maturity: 15-18 weeks

Flock of Serama Chickens
Chicken Breed Guides
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- Best Egg Laying Chickens Breeds for Beginners
- Chickens that Lay Colorful Eggs
- Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds
- Fluffy Chicken Breeds
- Best Broody Chicken Breeds for a Self-Maintaining Flock
- Chickens That Lay the Most Eggs
- Best Dual Purpose Chicken Breeds
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