Reader Interactions


  1. Rog Skuse

    Hiya Ashley 😊, I’m back again,, my daughter suffers terribly from Sinusitis,, would your Fire Cider sort this out for her.. Love what you do, 😊❤️Rog x

    • Carol L

      Try a Neti pot! It worked for me. I also suffered horribly from sinus infections and sinus problems. I cleaned up my diet, Eating as organically as possible, cutting out milk (I still consume organic whole milk yogurt and heavy cream), cheese is ok, but no milk. Sometimes you have to cut ALL dairy, no matter how healthy, unfortunately. Limiting grains or cutting them altogether helps as well.
      But my real help was the Neti pot. I used it every morning before my shower. I often used in in conjunction with a ACV gargle. (Salt, very warm water a good splash of vinegar and, if I had it, colloidal silver). Gargle, then neti pot one side, gargle then neti pot the other side, and continue until all the gargle and neti solution are gone. The neti solution is basically the same one, just a TEENY TINY bit of ACV, or leave it out altogether. This really helped me and it did work. I noticed one day that i could BREATHE when I woke up and it was nice. No pain in my face, either

  2. Melinda

    Hi Ashley, I made this delicious tea & decided to give it as gifts but want to add to my label how OFTEN it can be taken. I read & understand the legal disclaimer but still, any thoughts/recommendations?

    • Ashley Adamant

      There’s nothing wrong with drinking this daily, and when there’s something going around in the family I have several cups a day for a few weeks at a time. There’s nothing in this tea that should be on a limited dosage (to the best of my knowledge) for a normal healthy person. Personally, I drink it a few times a week normally, and then daily (or several times daily) when I really need a boost. With two preschoolers, in the house…that’s pretty often…

  3. cheryl Boulay

    Thank you – Sounds great, I am going to make a mixture. Do you obtain Echineaca Root from the Natural Health Store? Also, where did you obtain your tea strainer? It is lovely.

    Thank you, Cheryl

    • Administrator

      It’s not really necessary. There are differing opinions on this so I would say just do what you feel comfortable with. Many people drink tea from elderberries without issue. Any toxicity is in the seed itself which you aren’t actually consuming in a tea.

  4. Ciel

    I saw a neighbor has a rose bush with many rose hips. It’s not a tea rose but a floribunda I think. Can these hips be used if not sprayed with something toxic?

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