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Canning potatoes at home is an easy way to preserve potatoes for long term storage. Pre-cooked and ready to use, home-canned potatoes make for quick last-minute meals right from your homemade pantry.
Why Can Potatoes?
While I’ll can just about anything at home, I’ll admit that canning potatoes weren’t high on my priority list. Our basement stays a consistent 50 degrees year-round, and though that’s on the warm side for a root cellar, we’ve had great success storing potatoes with minimal work. Most years we put away about 200 lbs of potatoes in the fall, and with two potato loving children in the house, that stockpile rarely makes it to the following June.
If they’re so easy to store, why bother canning potatoes? Plenty of reasons!
- Canning potatoes ensures you have a steady supply of potatoes into the spring and summer. Many varieties of potatoes won’t keep that long, even in the best root storage conditions, and only the very best storage potato varieties will last until the following year’s crop comes in.
- Canned potatoes are the ultimate homemade convenience food. They’re shelf-stable, nutritious and ready to heat and serve. Warm the pieces in their canning liquid on the stove, strain and top with butter, sour cream and/or chives and you’ve got a satisfying homemade dish in no time.
- Small potatoes don’t store well in a root cellar, but they’re just the right size for canning. If you have a bumper crop of small spuds, it’s time to get canning!

This year, our potato crop yielded a lot of undersized potatoes, and while we usually eat those quickly and save the larger tubers for storage…there were just too darn many! While I ended up canning potatoes out of sheer necessity, I’m actually happy I did. They’ve been a lifesaver on busy weeknights, and next year I’m going to can up a larger batch.
I’m thinking of canning potatoes in meat stock as well so that I’ll have an easy versatile soup base too. We already pressure can bone broth and a separate batch of extra yummy pork stock every year, adding potatoes into the mix for a case or two should be easy enough.
Potatoes, believe it or not, actually require more time in the pressure canner than meat stock, so the instructions for canning potatoes would be the same whether you’re canning them in water or meat stock.
Best Types of Potatoes for Canning
Whether you’re canning chopped potatoes or canning whole potatoes, you’ll want to choose a variety that can withstand the heat in a pressure canner without falling apart. Some varieties are bred to yield a starchy, light and fluffy baking potato, like russet. Similarly, others are great for mashed potatoes and fall apart easily during boiling. Avoid any variety of potato that falls apart during cooking and especially starchy varieties.
Choose firm-fleshed, waxy potatoes for canning. According to the National Center for Food Preservation’s blog,
“White potatoes for canning should be the “waxy” or “boiling” kind. Different types of potatoes have different amounts and types of starches and they react to heating differently. You want a potato that keeps its shape and texture well after a lot of heating, and not one that falls apart becomes “fluffy” after cooking, and is better for mashing. Most red-skin potatoes are of lower starch than baking potatoes and work well for canning. Many white round potatoes with thin skins fall into this category with red-skin potatoes too. Russets are not good for canning but are good for baking (they have a high starch content). Yukon Gold may not be the best potatoes for canning. While they seem good for boiling, they do tend to fall apart when overcooked. From what we have read, there is a wide variety in the types and amounts of starches in blue potatoes, so not all blues are the same, just like not all white potatoes are the same in these characteristics.”
Beyond that, new potatoes harvested young and small tend to contain less starch than fully grown “adult” potatoes. If you’re planning on canning up large amounts, start harvesting early and you’ll limit the starch content of the potatoes and improve their canning quality.
Think about any potatoes you’d use to make a good, firm potato salad and you’ll be all set.
Can You Can Potatoes With the Skin On?
Skipping the peeling step would save a lot of prep time before actually canning potatoes, but canning potatoes with the skin on is not recommended for several reasons…
Primarily, safety. All the testing around canning times for potatoes was conducted using peeled potatoes. Botulism spores actually live in the soil in contact with potato skins, so leaving the skin on the potato might make a difference in the total canning time. According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation, potatoes should be peeled before canning because:
“That style of preparation is how the research was carried out to determine the recommended processing, and in order to know that the peeling does or does not make a difference, research would need to be done with unpeeled potatoes. Different assumptions might be needed in assessing just how many spores of C. botulinum or other bacteria might be present at the start of the process and what amount of heat might be needed to meet standards for the risk of possible survivors. We do not know of research of canning potatoes with peels left on, so we recommend the preparation steps provided with the process recommendation, especially because there is a possibility that the deviation could result in a less safe situation.”
Reading that, it sounds like the NCFP is trying to cover all the bases, and is really being overly cautious here. Realistically, the skins likely don’t make that much difference assuming they’re well-scrubbed. Know that it’s just not a tested canning recipe, and you’ll have to use your own best judgment for your health here.
That said, beyond safety, peeling potatoes before canning is just a good idea. Canning potatoes involves high heat in a pressure canner, and those skins are likely just going to fall off in the jar anyway and make a big mess. When you’re dealing with homegrown potatoes, they’re also usually pretty dirt-covered and scrubbing off every last bit of schmutz would likely take just as long as peeling anyway.
So when you’re canning potatoes, you should be canning peeled potatoes…
Can You Can Raw Potatoes?
Canning potatoes raw pack is actually not a tested canning method (sadly). I love raw packing whenever possible, assuming it won’t impact quality (as it does when you’re canning peaches), but when canning potatoes all the tested recipes being with hot pack or cooking the potatoes first.
Potatoes are dense, and it can take a substantial amount of time to heat a potato through to the center in a pressure canner. If you’re raw packing, it’s possible that you’re not holding the potatoes at a high enough temperature for a long enough time for safe canning.
Start by boiling the potatoes for 2 minutes for 1/2 inch to 1-inch cubes. For whole new potatoes about 2” in diameter, the recommendation is to parboil them 10 minutes. Pack the hot potatoes into canning jars, and cover with boiling water (don’t use the water you boiled the potatoes in for best quality, it’s full of starch).
How Long Will Canned Potatoes Last?
Commercially canned potatoes in tin cans are rated for 3-5 years, but generally, the advice for home canners is to consume home-canned potatoes within 12 to 18 months. Ball canning just introduced new canning lids that are guaranteed for 18 months, and that is the current recommendation when using the newer lids.
Practically speaking, canned potatoes last much longer. After about a year I’ve found that most pressure canned foods tend to lose quality, but slightly lower quality doesn’t mean it’s not safe to eat. Assuming the seal is unbroken and the potatoes were properly pressure canned, they should last quite a long time.
Supplies for Canning Potatoes at Home
Canning potatoes require a pressure canner, there’s no way around it. Historically, there were recommendations for water bath canning potatoes, but the last time that was considered an acceptable practice was in the early 1950s. Back then, it was thought safe to water bath can potatoes with a 3 hour boil time, but that method has since been removed from canning recommendations due to safety concerns. For the last 70+ years, all canning recommendations for potatoes have involved pressure canning.
(Note: A pressure CANNER is not the same as a pressure COOKER, and you cannot use an instant pot or similar appliance for canning potatoes.)
To can pressure can potatoes, you will need:
- Either a Dial gauge or Weighted gauge pressure canner (I use this one)
- Jar Grabber (to pick up hot jars)
- Canning Funnel (optional with potatoes, but recommended for a cleaner pack)
- Large Slotted Spoon (for removing potatoes from blanching liquid, leaving the cooking liquid behind)
- 2 Large Pots (one for pre-cooking the potatoes, the second for boiling water to pack the potatoes)
- Cutting Board
- Paring Knife and/or Potato Peeler
Is Salt Required for Canning Potatoes?
Strictly speaking, salt isn’t required to safely can potatoes. It’s perfectly fine to can potatoes without salt, but I don’t recommend it. Potatoes taste best with salt, and the salt helps them maintain good texture during the canning process. If you’d like to use less salt, go right ahead. The general recommendation is 1 tsp per quart jar, but feel free to reduce it based on your tastes.
How to Can Potatoes
All in all, pressure canning potatoes is pretty simple, provided you’re familiar with the basics of pressure canning. I’ll make no assumptions though, and take you through the process of canning potatoes step by step, and if you’re a seasoned pressure canner go ahead and just read the recipe card below.
Start by placing two large pots of water on the stove and bringing them to a boil. One is to pre-cook the potatoes, and the other is fresh, clean water that will be used as canning liquid in the jars. Do not re-use cooking liquid from the potatoes for packing.
While the water is coming to a boil, prepare your potatoes. Peel the potatoes, and chop any large spuds into 1 to 2” pieces. Smaller potatoes under 2” in diameter can be left whole, but still must be peeled. Place the potatoes in water to prevent browning while you work. Some sources recommend adding lemon juice to the water, but really just so long as there submerged they won’t brown and lemon isn’t really necessary.
Once the water is boiling, place the potatoes into the water and pre-cook for 2 minutes (for 1” cubes) or 10 minutes (for whole potatoes about 2” in diameter). Strain the potatoes after cooking and discard the cooking liquid.
Pack the cooked potatoes into canning jars (pints or quarts, quarts recommended for efficiency), leaving 1” headspace. Cover with clean, boiling water (maintaining 1” headspace) and add 1 tsp canning salt per quart (optional). Wipe rims and apply 2 part canning lids, tightening to just finger tight.
Place your pressure canner on the stove and add about 2” of boiling water to the bottom from the clean boiling water pot. Insert the canning rack that came with the canner, and then load in the hot jars into the pressure canner.
Close the pressure canner and allow the steam to vent for 10 minutes before fully sealing with a canning weight.
Allow the pressure canner to come up to pressure, and begin timing once the required pressure is shown on the gauge. When canning potatoes under 1000 feet in elevation, set the pressure canner to 10 pounds pressure and process for 35 minutes (pints) or 40 minutes (quarts). For other altitudes and when using a dial gauge pressure canner, see the table below for the appropriate times/pressures for canning potatoes:

Canning Potatoes
- Potatoes, see notes for quantity
- Canning Salt, optional ~ 1 tsp per quart, see note
- Place two large pots of water on the stove and bring them to a boil. One is to pre-cook the potatoes, and the other is fresh, clean water that will be used as canning liquid in the jars. Important: Do not re-use cooking liquid from the potatoes for packing.
- While the water is coming to a boil, prepare your potatoes. Peel the potatoes, and chop any large spuds into 1 to 2'' pieces. Smaller potatoes under 2'' in diameter can be left whole, but still must be peeled. Place the potatoes in a bowl of water and keep them submerged to prevent browning while you work.
- Once the water is boiling, place the potatoes into the water and pre-cook for 2 minutes (for 1'' cubes) or 10 minutes (for whole potatoes about 2'' in diameter). Strain the potatoes after cooking and discard the cooking liquid.
- Pack the cooked potatoes into canning jars (pints or quarts, quarts recommended for efficiency). Leave 1'' headspace.
- Cover with clean, boiling water and add 1 tsp salt per quart (optional).
- Wipe rims and apply 2 part canning lids, tightening to just finger tight.
- Place your pressure canner on the stove and add about 2'' of boiling water to the bottom from the clean boiling water pot. Insert the canning rack that came with the canner, and then load in the hot jars into the pressure canner.
- Close the pressure canner and allow the steam to vent for 10 minutes before fully sealing with a canning weight.
- Allow the pressure canner to come up to pressure, and begin timing once the required pressure is shown on the gauge. When canning potatoes under 1000 feet in elevation, set the pressure canner to 10 pounds pressure and process for 35 minutes (pints) or 40 minutes (quarts). For other altitudes and when using a dial gauge pressure canner, see the table above for the appropriate times/pressures for canning potatoes.
Pressure Canning Recipes
Looking for more simple pressure canning recipes? Here are a few to keep you preserving…
A weighted pressure cooker does not have a gauge how do I no how much pressure I have. How do I use it
This pressure canning guide for beginners will explain everything that you need to know. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you for this post. I plan on following your directions to pressure can some peeled red potatoes. I was wondering if I could put some sliced onions in with them- not a bunch, but maybe a tablespoon-ish per jar? I have a few other recipes for things such as salsa and baked beans that I got from one of my Ball books that use onions. But I don’t want to risk hurting my family.
When you are wanting to combine foods like this you just want to be sure that all of the food items can be safely canned with the canning method that you are using. Then you want to use the processing instructions for the food item that needs the longest processing time.
So… why don’t you use the same water you boil the potatoes in??
This is my first year using a pressure canner AND canning potatoes. I inherited this canner from my mom. I’m pretty sure that it was my grandmother’s. After testing the gauge (spoiler alert – pun intended) it was way off. So I picked up Presto’s conversion kit, which included a book titled Recipes and Helpful Hints for Presto Pressure Canners, along with the parts I needed to accommodate a replacement gauge.
Back to the potatoes; I found conflicting recipes calling for fresh boiling water (ball blue book guide to preserving, 2013), using the same water the potatoes are boiled in (recipes and Helpful Hints for pesto canners, 2021), and either option (ball blue book guide to preserving, 2014). Ultimately, I settled on using the cooking liquid because Presto’s guide states, “Whenever possible, the precooking water should be used as as liquid to cover the vegetables after packing into jars. However there are a few vegetables, such as greens and asparagus, which make the water bitter and undesirable to use.”
Is there going to be a taste difference? Are my potatoes going to be bitter? Or, is the primary reason to use fresh boiling water mainly to reduce cloudiness because of the added starch in the boiling liquid?
In this case, you’re removing the liquid because it’s full of starch. Some potatoes are REALLY starchy and it’ll make kind of a gel in there around the potatoes which would impede the canning process. That’s the exception, and most just result in cloudy water.
I just had an oops moment. Four years ago I canned potatoes for the first time. I canned white and red which were given to me. I peeled and cubed some of them, peeled and cut for scalloped potatoes, peeled small potatoes and left them whole, cubed unpeeled potatoes for stew and left small unpeeled potatoes which I canned. I washed the dirt off outside, rinsed them in the dishwasher and then washed the unpeeled again with a vegetable brush and peeled the rest. I had not read canning unpeeled potatoes was a no-no. In the meantime I have used the cubed, unpeeled potatoes multiple times when making vegetable beef soup. And I also used up all the jars of potatoes I cut for scalloped potatoes. We didn’t get sick. Now I have just been given a large quantity of potatoes again. Did I just have good luck the first time leaving on the skin or is it safe if one is diligent in preparation?
I would personally recommend that you peel all of your potatoes to be on the safe side. It’s possible that you may not get sick but I wouldn’t want to risk it myself. Botulism can be fatal. It’s good that you didn’t get sick before but now that you know the safe way to can potatoes I think it’s a good idea to follow those guidelines.
Thank you for your post Ashley. It is very informative and detailed. I have never used a pressure canner but I am hoping to buy one soon. When using the water bath method we are instructed to cover the filled jars with water (approx 1-2” above the jar) before starting the cooking process. I noticed the instructions for pressure canning potatoes suggested adding 2” of water to the bottom of the canner then add the jars. I am assuming no additional water is required. I Just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss something. Thank you.
Yes, that is correct. If the water depth is not specified then the standard depth is 2 to 3 inches.
I do not discard the water I boil my potatoes in, I cook it and use it to make bread.
That’s great! Thank you for sharing.
This is not my norm but. We got a deal on 50# of Yukon gold potatoes, what does a couple do with 50# of potatoes. Can them. I followed your instructions which included blanching the prepared potatoes. I cut them in large chunks, I sliced them and I cut them to use in soups and strews. I put them in 1.5 pint jars and put boiling (fresh) water up to 1 inch. 7 jars, processed them at 11 # for 40 min. They are completely cooked and almost NO liquid left in the jar. Where could it have gone. Could the potatoes absorbed it? Side note, I coursely mash one jar mixed with egg and fried them. With a mushroom gravy or sausage gravy. Yes I’ll keep on canning
Sounds like you had siphoning occur, which isn’t the end of the world if it’s minimal, but potentially a problem if you lost ALL the water in the jar. Here’s some info about potential causes:
I have canned my first batch of potatoes following the instructions above. I had water covering the potatoes when I put them in the pressure canner. Now, after having them in the canner for 35 minutes, in most of the jars the waterline is about 1/2″ to 1″ below the potatoes. Is this ok? Or did I do something wrong?
I just read the comment before mine. I scrolled too quickly and missed it. I followed the instuctions so my potatoes are probably ok.
Total 11 lbs was 40 min. 25min then reset forv15 min. After it dropped to 9 lbs.
So I actually had to look this up! I have a weighted guage canner (which holds pressure better with less babysitting) and I’ve never had it drop below pressure during canning…so I’ve never really had this problem.
Here’s what I found: “If the pressure drops during processing, you must bring it back up to pressure and start the processing timing all over again. Not the preliminary venting time, but the called-for processing time. “The correct gauge pressure must be maintained for the entire processing time. If the pressure drops below the target pressure, reset your timer and process for the entire recommended processing time.” Source here:
I canned potatoes today. 5 quarts. This is the first time they turned a yellow golden color. We do have minerals in our water. Also I brought it to 11 lbs of pressure. Noticed when there was 4 min left the pressure dropped to 9 lbs. So I brought it back up to 11 lbs. Timed for 15 more minutes. I know it stayed at 11 lbs pressure for at least 25 min. Should they be ok?
What exact type of potato do you use?
I canned my potatoes and the water level is lower than the potatoes. Is this something that should be eaten more quickly, like green beans? I’ve never canned them before and am not sure what happened. I followed all the steps. I don’t want to pitch them after all my hard work but don’t want tp make anyone sicl either.
As long as you have processed them correctly they should be fine.
I have never considered canning potatoes, mainly because I never grew them, but this year I have a nice crop of SWEET potatoes and would like to can the surplus in my new pressure caner. Is canning sweet potatoes the same as canning white potatoes?
Also, I read above about someones potatoes going green. Can sweet potatoes that have come partially to the surface be bitter or unsafe to eat? Can I just cut off the green end and prepare as usual? Thanks so much for all your wonderful articles!
Here is an article from the Penn State Extension office that tells you the procedure for canning sweet potatoes.
And here is an article that talks about the green on potatoes. Basically, if it is just a small amount then it is probably ok to cut it off and prepare as long as there is no bitter taste and the article also advises to use special care when serving children.
I have a Power Cooker brand, it’s a pressure cooker and pressure canner. I’ve used it to can many things! I’m assuming that would still be okay to use to can potatoes?
I would like to add that my power cooker cans at 11.6 psi/80 kPa.
Yes, that will definitely work for canning potatoes.
I’m curious because my Ball Canning andPreserving book actually has a recipe for raw packed pressure canned potatoes. It’s titled “Mediterranean potatoes.” I’m wondering if anyone has tried it previously. The book was published in 2016.
If it is a current tested recipe then it should be good. If you have any questions about it, you could probably contact Ball directly.
Have you canned fingerling potatoes? I don’t know whether to leave them the 3 and 4 inches that some of them are or cut them into chunks.
I haven’t, but they should can just fine!
Have canned for many years using water bath method. Got a pressure canner and tried canning potatoes for the first time read many directions and followed exactly. My potatoes went into canner looking beautiful and came out looking awful…a pinky/orangy color. I have been researching to see what I did wrong but to no avail. Used a Ruset type potato bc I had many free given to me but needed to be taken care of. Help? What went wrong??
Hmmm…That is strange. Some veggies I’ve heard can react with minerals in the water and change color. It might be your tap water? Try using bottled or distilled water and see if that helps? I’m guessing though, as I’ve never had that problem.
I guess we didn’t plant our potatoes deep enough because our red potatoes taste bitter close to the skin. Is there any way we can save them?
To the best of my knowledge, once they start going green there’s no way to save them. I could be wrong, but that’s what I’ve heard…
Ann, are you hilling your potatoes so the sun doesn’t get at them? You need them well hilled to protect the potatoes from the sun.
I’d really like to can potato’s again. I did it years ago and would like to teach my daughter. I was wondering how things changed. I’d like to use this recipe so I’m sure I am doing it as safe as possible.
Any chance you can recommend a good electric potato peeler. My hands and fingers have some arthritis. How can I save this recipe.
I have never tried an electric potato peeler. If your daughter is old enough, maybe she can help peel them.
Do you let your potatoes dry out any from the garden or go from garden to canning? Thanks
Good question. I’ve always let them dry and then canned them. It honestly didn’t occur to me to try it with new potatoes. I imagine it’d be fine? But I honestly have no idea.
Thanks for sharing! How long does a jar last after its been opened?
Hi, Vanessa! They can last for 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator.
This is so helpful! I was wondering why it was more beneficial to can potatoes can than store in the root cellar!
A couple of reasons…small potatoes don’t tend to store too well in root cellars. Beyond that, many people don’t have a space cool enough to store potatoes (out west, or in the desert, etc). But if you have a root cellar, that’s a great option instead of canning.
I don’t have a pressure canner, and can’t afford the $400-550+$ brand new is out of the question! I come from Iowa where I helped my mom can, and you can, can vegetable without a pressure canner.
I recently bought a 1/2 bushel of new potatoes, and I cooked them in my big canner, put them into qt jars, salt and lids and then ran them through another hot bath in the sealed jars. I brought the water to a boil (the potatoes and water in the jars was already still very hot when I jarred them) and then I timed them to boil in the canner for 2 hours. However, what I like to do is not to pull the jars out until I can see the water inside the jars boiling too. But this takes about 2 hours.
Once I see that the temperatures inside the jars was the same as the canner water, I then lifted the jars out, placed on towels to cool. My first attempt, I lost one jar, that appeared to me that I did not get the top of the rim cleaned free of potato debrie when I put the lids to processs them. Then keep an eye on the jar seals after they have cooled, nothing smells worse than spoiled potato water seeping all over your pantry shelf! Putting them on a layer of newspaper helps to keep any seepage spill to a minimum.
I do not recommend this method for sweetcorn, due to the sugar content! And go out and check garage sales for a used pressure cooker to buy. Well worth the expense, can usually get them for more than half the price brand new.
Wow, thank you so much! I was getting worried…you are the first person I have come across to tell me how to can without a pressure cooker for potatoes.
Lisa, the reason why you haven’t heard of someone else telling you how to can potatoes without a pressure canner is because it is not considered safe. Please be very careful when canning. Following unsafe procedures can be very dangerous.
Not a safe canning method. Boil is boil 212*. So without pressure canning , ingred. don’t reach the correct safe temp. for shelf stable.
Hi Cheri,
I totally get what you’re saying about the expensive canners. I lusted after my All-American for quite a while before I was able to get it. In the meantime though I got a much more affordable T-Fal pressure canner that worked great until the dial stopped working. The T-Fal cost about $70 on Amazon. Presto also makes a good one at a similar price point.
The reason I’m taking the time to tell you all this is because I’m concerned for your safety. Just because our grandmothers used to do things a certain way doesn’t always mean we should. Hell, it used to be legal to beat your wife, thank goodness that changed. With more information and knowledge we can make better decisions. I know some people will point out that “…the jars sealed” as if thats the end all. But its not. Of course the jars will seal. What’s important is what is sealed in there.
With high acid foods the acidic environment is too much for botulism to survive, couple that high acid with the high heat of water bath canning and those foods will have been processed sufficiently to be safe and shelf stable. The issue comes with low acid foods, like potatoes. Without the high acid environment, the heat alone of a waterbath can’t get high enough to kill botulism. So, if there’s no acid to speak of then to kill botulism the heat has to be a hell of a lot higher. Thats where the pressure canner comes in. Because when water gets hot enough, 280°, to kill botulism it has already turned to steam. It is impossible to achieve 280° in a waterbath. The reason botulism is so important is because its deadly and it doesn’t necessarily smell, taste or look different when you open a jar to feed your family.
Good luck and please consider what I’ve said.
I got both my pressure canners on Amazon for about $100. I have never seen a $500 canner.
When you say “pre-cook” does that mean to put your potatoes in the boiling water and leave for 10 minutes? Or, put your potatoes in the boiling water and bring potatoes and water back up to boiling and boil 10 minutes?
Thanks for all the details that you added.
Bring the water to boiling, add potatoes, and then start the timer when it comes back to a boil. Thanks for asking, I should have clarified.
I am about to start pressure canning and I was just wondering how much the taste is altered after canning. Do they taste like freshly cooked potatoes, or reheated potatoes, or completely different? I love your instructions — thank you!
They taste like freshly cooked potatoes, and I’ve found they can even be fried as home fries, in the same process we use when we parboil potatoes then strain and fry them. It’s like right after the parboiling step.
I am fairly new to canning and my canner is not like others in most recipes. It has a dial gauge but no indications of pounds, just high or low. How would I convert the chart to that?
And thank you for the very clear instructions for something that may seem intimidating to a new canner. The were very easy to understand without being mundane.
It sounds like you have a “pressure cooker” rather than a “pressure canner” and I wouldn’t recommend trying to pressure can in it. Pressure cookers don’t maintain exact pressures and they fluctuate through a pretty wide range on either high or low. There’s no guarantee you’ll properly process food in one, since it’s not designed to maintain certain pressures without dipping below (because that’s not necessary for cooking, only for canning).