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The practice of storing eggs in lime water goes back centuries, and it’s still one of the best ways to preserve eggs without refrigeration.

Preserving Eggs in a Lime Solution

Anyone who has kept chickens knows that egg production doesn’t always line up with demand.  

In the spring months, you’ll be buried in fresh eggs, right when you’re excited to be outdoors planting the garden and couldn’t care less about baking.  Production stays strong all summer when it’s too hot to run the oven, and you’re too worn out in the evenings to bother anyway.

Then in the fall, right as cozy weather starts, production starts to slip. 

By winter, when the days are short, and you’re ready for some comfort food baking, they may have stopped laying altogether.

These days, industrial chicken operations turn on banks of lights to keep the ladies cranking out eggs year-round (and just replace the chickens at 2 years old as they wear out from laying nonstop).  That’s a relatively new thing though, and the option of a steady year-round egg supply has only really existed for the past few decades.

Historically, how did people preserve eggs to ensure a steady winter supply? 

The answer is, they had literally dozens of methods to preserve eggs

They stored them in wood ash, wheat bran, and straw, or coated them with butter or lard, or kneaded them into homemade pasta that was hung to dry.

Most of the methods rely on a few simple principles:

  1. Start with clean, fresh eggs.
  2. Don’t wash the eggs at all.  That removes their natural “bloom” that prevents bacteria from entering through pores in the shell.  (Grocery store eggs are washed, and will not keep outside the refrigerator.  Do not attempt this, or any other egg preservation technique with grocery store eggs.)
  3. Keep the eggs cool, but not too cold.  An egg is a living thing, and it’ll stay fresh best unwashed and at around 50 degrees (root cellar cool).
  4. If possible, seal the pores off further to prevent contamination within the egg.  Oil, ash, and lime are the most popular choices.

Simply storing fresh, unwashed eggs in a cool environment (around 50 degrees) will buy you a lot of time.  We’ve taken our fresh eggs and stored them in the basement dependably for up to 4 months, and occasionally as long as 6 months, no treatment required (so long as they’re not washed).

If you’d like to dependably store eggs for longer than 4 months, like if you’re trying to store an overabundance of spring eggs for the next winter’s baking, you’ll need a bit of help to get them to keep that long. 

While many different methods work, most have drawbacks. 

Storing in ash, for example, makes the eggs taste a bit musty and smokey.  Storing in salt draws water out of the egg, and makes them taste a bit salty.

Storing eggs in sodium silicate, known as “Waterglassing” was really popular for a time.  Incredibly dependable, the eggs didn’t spoil for years…but they changed. 

Sodium silicate is used for sealing tile these days, and it softened the shells and penetrated the eggs…changing their flavor, and even their structure.  Waterglassed eggs whites won’t whip, and there’s never really been any testing on the impacts of eating a boatload of sodium silicate for breakfast.

So what does work?  Storing eggs in a food-safe lime solution made with pickling lime (calcium hydroxide).

Preserving Eggs in Lime Water

The calcium solution seals the eggshells and effectively preserves the eggs for a year or more. 

Though it’s called “pickling lime” it doesn’t make pickled eggs.  The process keeps the eggs in the same state, and once you pull them out of the solution, they can be used just like a fresh egg.  They fry up beautifully, and the white still whip to stiff peaks.

It’s called “pickling lime” because it’s used to firm up veggies before pickling, namely dill pickles, and old-fashioned watermelon rind pickles.  It works the same way to firm up the eggshells and seal them at the same time.

Don’t believe me?  Here’s someone cooking with eggs after a full year in lime water:

How to Preserve Eggs in Lime Water

Preserving eggs in lime water starts with making a lime/water solution. 

The ratio is one ounce of lime powder (by weight) to one quart of water. 

(That’s about 28 grams per quart of water or about 2 heaping tablespoons.)

Lime for Preserving Eggs

I’ll measure out the solution in a quart mason jar, and one quart of the solution is just about right for filling a half-gallon mason jar once the eggs have been added.

Give the jar a shake, and you’ll have a milky white liquid.  Much of the lime will settle out to the bottom over time (that’s normal), but what you’re doing here is making a saturated lime solution.

Some sources say that as little as 1 part lime to 700 parts water creates a saturated solution, but other sources say that the lime may not be completely pure, and you need to use a bit more to be sure.  Still, others recommend as much as 1 part lime to 2 parts water.

At a rate of one ounce to a quart, there’s a lot that settles out of the solution, and it’s a good middle ground that ensures that the solution is saturated (without wasting a boatload of lime in the process).

lime water solution

Carefully select eggs that are super fresh and clean, without cracks or issues, pulled from clean nesting boxes that day.

Fill a clean jar with the eggs, and then pour the lime-water solution over the eggs.  Be sure that the eggs are completely submerged, and then cap up the jar.

Pouring lime solution over fresh eggs

Cap up the jar, and store it in a cool place, like a basement, pantry, or cool closet on the north side of the house.

A half-gallon mason jar will hold roughly 14 to 18 eggs, depending on size.  You can also use something like these one-gallon glass jars, which will hold about three dozen eggs.

Historically, they would have been stored in wooden barrels or ceramic crocks (like this one that I use to make sauerkraut a gallon at a time). 

Alternatively, a food-safe plastic bucket will work if you want to store them in bulk.

We keep our jars of eggs in the basement, right next to my home-canned goods and root-cellared apples.

Preserving Eggs in Lime

Once you’re ready to use the eggs, simply remove them from the solution and give them a rinse before cracking.  Rinsing ensures that the lime solution doesn’t get into the egg as it’s cracked, which will impact the flavor.

Then, cook with the eggs as you otherwise would.

Other Lime-Based Egg Preservation Methods

I found a reference to preserving eggs in lime water in the book from the 1950s called “Stocking Up.”  It contains all manner of historical food preservation information and has a whole chapter on eggs.

It notes that most people “found some way to clog up the pores of the eggshells so that moisture would not escape and air could not enter.  Eggs were rubbed with grease, zinc, or boric ointment, or submerged in a solution of lime, salt, cream of tartar, and water.”

While stocking up does not give proportions, I found a reference on a historical food and cookery site that suggest this method:

“To one pint of slacked lime, add one pint of salt, two ounces of cream of tartar, and four gallons of water. Boil all together for ten minutes. Skim, and when cold, pour it over the eggs. Lay a light saucer upon the top to keep them underwater, and keep in a cool place. Renew the lime water every three weeks.”

The downside of this mixed solution is that the salt permeates the shells and will flavor the eggs, so I’d suggest going with a simple lime solution.

Fresh Eggs Only (Not Grocery Store Eggs)

Please note, this won’t work with store-bought eggs, at least in the US where they’re always washed before getting to the store. (In other countries, they actually often intentionally don’t wash the eggs before market, so they keep longer.)
In the US, they’re washed before they’re packed, which means their pores are open, and bacteria is getting inside the egg from the moment it leaves the farm. That’s why they must be refrigerated, to prevent the bacteria that have already gotten in from proliferating.
Farm fresh eggs that are unwashed, on the other hand, can be stored at room temperature for extended periods without issue, and this is what they do in Europe and most of the rest of the world.
If you’re lucky and find a good local farmer you trust, you can purchase fresh unwashed eggs from them in bulk to store, but you can’t use anything from a grocery store refrigerator case. 
Still, raising your own chickens is the best option; then you get the freshest eggs, and you know how they were handled. 

Food Preservation Tutorials

Looking for more historical food preservation tutorials?

Preserving eggs in lime water is a historical egg preservation technique that can keep eggs fresh for over a year.

About Ashley Adamant

I'm an off grid homesteader in rural Vermont and the author of Practical Self Reliance, a blog that helps people find practical ways to become more self reliant.

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  1. Janee England says:

    Im curious if the water source makes any difference. We are on a well with hard water. And i wonder a out people with city water.

    1. Administrator says:

      That’s a good question. I’m not sure if anyone has done the research on this. Let us know if you’re able to find out. I would say just put a few eggs in and give it a try.

  2. Rhonda says:

    Are you able to rinse off the preserved eggs and then boil them for egg salad?

    1. Administrator says:

      Yes, they can be used the same way as any fresh egg.

  3. Johnny says:

    For this process and long term storage, does the jar need to be air tight? I have some great 1/2 gallon wide mouth jars with metal lids but they do not have a liner and will leak water if turned over so I know there are not air tight. Am wondering if they would work or cause problems for long term storage.

    1. Administrator says:

      It is not necessary for them to be completely air tight.

      1. Richard Mueller says:

        Is it normal after like 6 months+ my eggs were great to the taste. I left them in a refrigerator due to warm temps in So. Calif. When I went to fry/ break the egg, the egg white was on the more than runny side. Is this normal?

        1. Administrator says:

          Can you tell me did you use fresh eggs that were collected that day when you initially put them in the limewater?

  4. Johnny says:

    I read your comment about the eggs being same day fresh and unwashed. I am looking to use 1/2 or 1 gallon jars and don’t get that many eggs in a single day. Can I formulate the limewater and add eggs each day until the jar is full, then store it? If not, would storing them a day or two in a cool place then putting them all in a jar, some a couple days old, ruin the whole batch?
    Thanks for the great article.

    1. Administrator says:

      Great question! I would just add the eggs into the jar as you get them and they will be just fine.

  5. Amy T. says:

    Hi there
    We recently opened our first batch of preserved eggs. They are 9 months old. There was no foul smell but when cracked open, the yolks just broke open. The egg was entirely runny. We made a scrambled egg out of it which tasted ok, although it lacked that strong protein flavor of a fresh egg, tasted more like store bought. Just wondering if we possibly did something wrong. We’ve cracked open several so far and each one the yolk is broken and runny. I understand the whites are typically runny so I’m curious about my yolks. There has not been one yolk that has held its shape. I don’t have a completely cool space to store them so they are stored in a space that averaged 60-65° temps. We collected and preserved same day, clean eggs only.

    1. Administrator says:

      It sounds like you did everything properly. It’s probably just the warmer temperatures.

      1. Joyce Wills says:

        When we farmed I froze extra eggs…any and every kind, in margarine tubs or plastic containers. One, two or three to a container, marked the lid so I could get the right size for baking, egg salad, etc. Worked every time, no different taste. Cooked well.

  6. Lauri Richardson says:

    Greetings from southern Vermont! I read your article and through all of the comments, put away dozens of eggs through the spring and summer. Today we ran out of fresh eggs and brought up our first 8 qt. Cambro container. Three eggs had cracked, releasing the eggs into the solution. (Initially, all eggs had been fresh, clean and no visible cracks) I seem to remember reading that if that happened, we’d need to throw out the batch—but I can’t find that info again. We cracked one and it smelled fine. Do you think they’re safe? Thank you for all you do!

    1. Administrator says:

      I would definitely be leary of using them if there were cracked eggs in there, but it’s also not hard to tell if an egg is bad or not. What did you decide to do?

  7. Inger says:

    Do these truly need to be eggs picked the same day? Then this is only useful for people with chickens. I am trying to deal with extra (unwashed) eggs from my CSA–probably a week or so old when I get them.

    1. Administrator says:

      I’m sorry but the recommendation is for eggs that are gathered that day for limewater preservation. You can look into other methods such as freezing or freeze drying.

      1. Phyllis says:

        I have glassed eggs from between 1-3 days and they have been fine. I would even venture to try 4 or 5 , but thats me.

      2. Jim Koehler says:

        I’ve stored unwashed eggs from my Amish neighbors that have sat for a couple weeks before I had enough to fill the bucket. They were used through the winter up to 6 months until we could get fresh eggs again. The eggs were fine but over time the yolk softens but the flavor and smell were the same.

  8. Richard Mueller says:

    Can Chemstar Type S Organic Hydrated Lime be used as a pickling lime? Thank you

    1. Administrator says:

      Pickling lime and hydrated lime should be the same.

  9. Mandy says:

    Any idea how to dispose of previously used lime solution? I had great success doing this with my eggs last year, and I need to start again (so many eggs!) but I haven’t found any advice on how to dispose of the solution properly. Thanks!

    1. Administrator says:

      There is no special way to dispose of the solution. You can simply pour it down the drain when you are finished with it.

  10. Amanda says:

    Does it matter if the eggs are fertilized? We keep roosters at all times so ours would only be fertilized eggs. Thanks!!

    1. Administrator says:

      Nope, doesn’t matter at all as long as they are fresh.